The make-it-big endingĪt the end of the novel, Simoun/Ibarra find Padre Florentino and confesses his entire story to him. She breaks in, convinces our dear Maria Clara to accompany her, and they take down their abusers (Salvi and Camorra) metaphorical (or maybe even literal, depending on how axed she is) guns a-blazing. Juli is done with all of Padre Camorra’s creepy advances and finds some way to track the locket back to Maria Clara in the convent. So, one alternate ending is to bring these ladies some retribution. Many of us think that they deserved more than to be killed off in the unfortunate ways they did.
The demure Maria Clara and the hardworking Juli have received the short end of the stick in terms of the story with both of them dying because of the torment of some lustful priests (boo). Maria Clara and Juli are iconic women in Noli and El Fili.